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Molecular Hydrogen H2 Life Extension

Molecular Hydrogen Supplements

Don’t Over Medicate HYDRATE!!

Molecular Hydrogen H2 Life Extension

The Science Behind our Glp-1

Increase your own GLP-1 levels

Unlock the power of your body’s natural GLP-1 levels with H2Supplements’ innovative formula. Our GLP-1 supplements work by enhancing the activity of the feeding center in the hypothalamus, effectively delaying gastric emptying and extending the sensation of fullness after meals. By blocking the conversion of glycogen into fat, our supplements promote a leaner body composition. Additionally, they boost insulin secretion and sensitivity, providing comprehensive metabolic support. Experience the synergistic effects of elevated GLP-1 levels with H2Supplements for improved metabolic health and weight management.

Core Ingrediants:

Core Ingrediants: Wild picric peptide, Organic Ceylon Cinnamon 20:1 , Mulberry leaf extract, Perilla seed oligopeptide, Canadian goldenseal extract, Bio PQQ, Veratrol, Quercetin, Sulfuric acid, Compound probiotics (Akkermansia muciniphila, LGG‏Lisosaccharomyces cerevisiae), Yeast β-glucan, Inulin


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What Is Molecular Hydrogen?

Molecular Hydrogen is the strongest antioxidant & the smallest molecule in the world. Molecular Hydrogen is a gas (H2). It is one of the few molecules able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier allowing it to seek out the worst and most damaging types of free radicals while leaving beneficial free radicals unharmed.

What Are Molecular H2 Tablets?

Molecular Hydrogen tablets create & release hydrogen gas as they dissolve. Our Molecular Hydrogen tablets are made to slowly dissolve in your stomach to deliver a sustained release of Molecular Hydrogen in a completely safe and natural way, similar to how any other tablet dissolves in your stomach.

Why are our Molecular Hydrogen tablets superior?

As most molecular hydrogen tablets dissolve in water, the vast majority of the hydrogen gas dissolves and is released into the air. Very little of the H2 actually stays in the water. Think about it. Hydrogen is a gas that is not water-soluble. When the tablet dissolves in your water the gas is quickly lost. This is why we engineered our proprietary formula to slowly release Molecular Hydrogen Gas at a safe rate inside your stomach. This allows you to absorb every hydrogen molecule so that nothing is lost. It also delivers molecular hydrogen over a long period of time ensuring that you stay fully hydrated throughout your day, and providing you with an abundance of energy.
H2 Molecules

The Science Behind H2

Most antioxidants indiscriminately neutralize all free radicals they come into contact with, including bad radicals, as well as also neutralizing the good radicals that your body needs (such as nitric oxide). The molecular hydrogen released by H2 Life extension tablets selectively targets the damaging oxygen radicals, leaving behind the good radicals. This is why H2 is the best & strongest antioxidant in the world.

H2 Improves your Hydration. When H2 molecules combine with and neutralize damaging oxygen radicals, they are transformed into water (H2O) – increasing your cellular hydration. H2 Life Extension molecular hydrogen tablets also balance your electrolytes by infusing beneficial alkaline minerals that help your body maintain a good electrolyte balance, without adding calories.

Molecular Hydrogen H2 Life Extension tablets are backed by science. Over 500 peer-reviewed articles published suggest therapeutic benefits of H2 in over 150 health conditions and diseases. These articles have been featured in many prestigious journals, and new studies are coming out regularly as Molecular Hydrogen is taking the medical communities by storm as the clear effects continue to be validated.

The smallest molecule in nature, hydrogen has long been ignored by biology scientists & medical communities for decades. Recent studies over the last several years have shown that the hydrogen molecule may have important pharmacological effects, especially in the field of basic medicine. Considering that human intestinal bacteria can produce a certain amount of hydrogen; it suggests that hydrogen may be an endogenous active substance.

The human body is inseparable from free radicals & active oxygen at all times, and any biochemical reaction disorder may affect the normal operation of energy metabolism. The most important and most common of these biochemical reactions is the redox reaction. Most of these redox reactions are free radical reactions. Therefore, energy metabolism cannot be achieved without free radical reaction. In short, free radicals and reactive oxygen are indispensable substances for all life activities.

When people consider that oxidative damage is caused by excessive increases in free radicals and reactive oxygen, a common misconception is to simply treat all reactive oxygen as a whole. In fact, there are many types of active oxygen in the body, and a small number of reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl radicals, nitrite anions, and hypochlorite. These are extremely active and are most susceptible to irreversible chemical reactions with important biochemical macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids in the cells, resulting in fatal damage to these molecules, that is oxidative damage. This is almost the most common and basic pathophysiological mechanism for the occurrence and development of all diseases in humans.

Hydrogen molecules are the smallest molecule in the universe and can enter any cell in the body as well, it can penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Hydrogen is a natural antioxidant that can neutralize malignant oxygen free radicals as well as peroxygen free radicals as well as others. Malignant oxygen free radicals are the fundamental factors causing pathological changes, cancer, and accelerated aging. Smoking, stress, and lack of sleep all can produce peroxygen free radicals.

This is why supplementing with Molecular Hydrogen tablets is so important. By super hydrating your body with H2 Life Extension tablets, your fighting the worst types of free radicals and leaving the most beneficial types of free radicals unharmed, helping to produce more ATP for more energy, and soothing and smoothing your skin and slowing the aging process as well as fighting diseases including cancer. All in one simple tablets. Imagine how much your health and performance will improve when you add molecular hydrogen supplementation into your daily routines and rituals.

The Science Behind H2

H2 Benefits - Feels Great

Feels Great

When you take our Molecular Hydrogen H2 Life Extension tablets you instantly feel the energetic sensation of being fully hydrated & antioxidized. Improve the oxygen content of erythrocytes & the blood flow quickly. The slow release of molecular hydrogen inside your …

H2 Benefits - Anti-Cancer

Anti Cancer

Malignant oxygen free radicals are the fundamental factors causing pathological changes, cancer & accelerated aging. Smoking, stress & lack of sleep can all produce peroxygen free radicals. There are numerous ongoing & completed studies that …

H2 Benefits - Reduce Inflammation

Reduce Inflammation

H2 Life Extension Molecular Hydrogen tablets Improves pancreatic B cell dormancy & promote glucose metabolism. The joints in your body are lubricated by lipids, H2O & other fluids. By keeping your body fully hydrated with Molecular Hydrogen it allows …

H2 Benefits - Brain Enhancer

Brain Enhancer

Molecular Hydrogen will strengthen the process of nerve conduction, promote the differentiation of neural stem cells, improve the oxygen content of red blood cells & blood circulation. lt also penetrates the blood brain barrier providing your mind with …

H2 Benefits - Athletics Performance

Athletic Performance

When your respiration increases through exercise this produces greater amounts of oxidative stress on your body, limiting your athletic performance. 2%-5% of the oxygen inhaled by the body can generate super oxidative malignant free radicals. Sweating …

H2 Benefits - Strongest Antioxidant

Strongest Antioxidant

Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest molecule & strongest antioxidant in the world. It easily penetrates all cells in the body as well as the blood brain barrier. H2 actively seeks out & neutralizes more super oxidative malignant oxygen free radicals than any other …

H2 Benefits - Energy


Hydrogen is the root source of energy in the entire universe. We eat and breath to break down the hydrogen atoms in order to obtain food energy. Hydrogen supplies electrons to mitochondria that make energy in cells called ATP. The real reason for …

H2 Benefits - Skin Care Wrinkle Reducer

Skin Care Wrinkle Reducer

The basis of all skin creams is that they add & lock hydration into your skin. By super hydrating your body from within, the slow release of molecular hydrogen improves skin elasticity, smoothness, color & slows the wrinkling effects of aging. Facial wrinkles can …

H2 Benefits - Sex Boost Libido


Our slow release Molecular Hydrogen H2 Life Extension tablets give your body more than just hydration but a dramatic increase in your energy & circulation. Oxygen has 8 electrons, compared to hydrogen which has only one electron, but it has the property of imparting …

H2 Benefits - Live Longer

Live Longer

Think about fruit left out to dehydrate vs fruit protected from dehydration. Your body is the same. Extend the length of enzyme-telomerase, thus greatly prolonging the life span of the human body. Hydrogen and oxygen have the opposite effect on reduction …

Feel The Benefits of H2 Molecular Hydrogen

Molecular Hydrogen H2 Life Extension
GMO Free


Gluten Free


Dairy Free


Words From Our Customers

I’ve been taking H2 molecular hydrogen tablets for a couple of months now and I just love it! I love everything from this company to be honest. The energy boost I get from this supplement is terrific and I just feel good when I take it. It’s a must!
Jay Eralta Testimonial
Jay Peralta
I used this H2 life extension molecular hydrogen for much needed energy in the morning and it didn’t disappoint. I also noticed an improvement in my skin, better sleep, and less muscle and joint pain. A superior quality product and I would say the best product on the market. Pure ingredients and the bottles area great sizes. You get what you pay for.
Devan Sherman Testimonial
Devan Sherman
This good quality product with healthy ingredients including most importantly magnesium and healthy minerals has given me many benefits. My muscles and joints are less painful. My hormone levels and sleep patterns have improved. The taste and size of this supplement are ideal Its package is always superb. Postage is quite quick. Great product
Amaya Kline Testimonial
Amaya Kline

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Molecular Hydrogen?
Molecular Hydrogen is the strongest antioxidant in the world. Molecular Hydrogen is a gas (H2). It is one of the few molecules able to penetrate the blood brain barrier.
Molecular Hydrogen tablets create & release hydrogen gas (H2, or Molecular Hydrogen) as they dissolve. Our Molecular Hydrogen tablets are made to slowly dissolve in your stomach to deliver a sustained release of Molecular Hydrogen inside your body.
Most molecular hydrogen tablets dissolve in water, most of the hydrogen gas dissolves and is released into the air. Very little of the H2 actually stays in the water. Think about it. Hydrogen is a gas which is not water soluble. When the tablet dissolves in water the gas is quickly lost. This is why we engineered our proprietary formula to slowly release Molecular Hydrogen Gas inside your body. This allows you to absorb every hydrogen molecule so that nothing is lost. It also delivers molecular hydrogen over a long period of time ensuring that you stay fully hydrated throughout your day, providing you with an abundance of energy.

As the smallest molecule in nature hydrogen has long been ignored by the biology scientists & medical communities. Recent studies over the last several years, have shown that the hydrogen molecule may have important pharmacological effects especially in the field of basic medicine. Considering that human intestinal bacteria can produce a certain amount of hydrogen, it suggests that hydrogen may be an endogenous active substance.

The human body is inseparable from free radicals & active oxygen at all times, and any biochemical reaction disorder may affect the normal operation of energy metabolism. The most important and most common of these biochemical reactions is the redox reaction. Most of these redox reactions are free radical reactions. Therefore, energy metabolism cannot be achieved without free radical reaction. In short, free radical and reactive oxygen are indispensable substances for all life activities.

When people consider that oxidative damage is caused by excessive increases in free radicals and reactive oxygen, a common misconception is to simply treat all reactive oxygen as a whole. In fact, there are many types of active oxygen in the body, and a small number of reactive oxygen species, such as hydroxyl radicals, nitrite anions and hypochlorite. These are extremely active and is most susceptible to irreversible chemical reactions with important biochemical macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids and lipids in the cells, resulting in fatal damage to these molecules, that is oxidative damage. This is almost the most common and basic pathophysiological mechanism for the occurrence and development of all diseases in humans.

Therefore, according to the past ideas, using a strong reducing substance (e.g., vitamins) to remove the active oxygen to treat disease is incomplete. Because strong reducing agents will indiscriminately remove active oxygen which is high in content, weak in activity and harmful to the body, and cannot selectively neutralize reactive oxygen which is harmful to the body.

A large amount of biological research indicates that hydrogen has an effect of selectively neutralizing hydroxyl radicals and nitrite anions, which is the basis for oxygen to treat diseases caused by oxidative damage. Studies show that oxygen can treat a wide variety of diseases. Such as: malignant swelling, colitis, carbon monoxide, post-encephalopathy, cerebral ischemia, senile dementia, Parkinson’s disease, depression, spinal cord injury, skin irritation, Type 2 diabetes, acute pancreatitis, organ transplant injury, intestinal ischemia system inflammation response, radiation damage, retinal damage & deafness. However, in addition to Type 2 diabetes, cerebral dysfunction, internal rheumatism and Parkinson’s disease have been tested in humans. At present, most diseases still need to be confirmed by rigorous clinical studies.

Free radicals are atoms or molecules in an electron orbit that cannot form an electron pair, and the reactivity is very high. Especially a free radical having an aerobic element is referred to as a malignant reactive oxygen. According to research, 2%-5% of oxygen inhaled by your body can generate super-oxygen free radicals with strong destructive power. Normal cells are destroyed by malignant reactive oxygen which accelerates the aging process.

Our H2 tablets our so superior to drinking hydrogen bubbles as they bubble out of your water. When water-insoluble hydrogen dissolves into water, it quickly dissolves into the air. For this reason, when water-insoluble hydrogen is released inside your body, significantly more hydrogen is absorbed by your body to fight free radicals and malignant super reactive oxygen.

Hydrogen molecules are the smallest molecule in the universe and can enter any cell in there body as well, it can penetrate the blood brain barrier. Hydrogen is a natural antioxidant that can neutralize malignant oxygen free radicals as well as peroxygen free radicals as well as others. . Malignant oxygen free radicals are the fundamental factors causing pathological changes, cancer, and accelerated aging. Smoking, stress and lack of sleep all can produce peroxygen free radicals.

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